Sunday, June 04, 2006

Spring Cleaning

Turned the TV off, got my lazy ass off the couch, and decided to do something I have been putting off for the last two (possibly more) years. I have this huge pile of envelopes (a lot of them unopened) sitting in the corner of my bedroom. This pile has grown from a small stack to a small hill over the years. Since all my bills are paid electronically, I don’t really bother with snail mail. Whatever snail mail I pick up from my mailbox once in two weeks get dumped on top of this hill.

Today is D-Day! I am going to tackle that hill with a vengeance. I shall not rest till I have demolished it!! Or will I? Well let’s see how far I get :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

umm lemme guess.. an overload of love letters? stink mail? what was it? the suspense is killing!

12:32 PM  
Blogger Trevor Penn said...

sooooo, how'd the battle go ? did you dig urself a trench on that hill ? :P

10:36 PM  
Blogger second_wind said...

So how was Demolition Man- Part II ??

11:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading this post should motivate me. I am behind by 5 weeks. Okay not as bad as you but bad still.


10:55 AM  
Blogger Fosix said...

most of it is hate mail... from the large number of enemies i have made over the years... however, most of it (and the most vicious ones) come from my sworn arch-enemies in chicago and sunnyvale...
there are plenty of love letters too... but those were mostly sent by women to me when i was doing hard time at San Quentin Penitentiary for various offences... i dont know what it is with women and hardended criminals...

@seashells & second_wind
got some Agent Orange from Chérie and blew up that frikking hill... that hill wont be troubling anyone anymore... :)

@sines... err... sorry, DR. Sines :)
its actually worse that i thought... i found a large tennis bag filled with two more years worth of envelopes... however i am gonna pretend that i never found that bag... and if you pretend that you didnt read the last sentence, i'm sure we'll get along just fine... :))

8:54 PM  
Blogger M (tread softly upon) said...

so did you finish up?

9:42 AM  
Blogger Anu Russell said...

if you find any $$$ we will split fitty-fitty! or at least give me three-fitty (do you watch southpark?)

9:08 AM  
Blogger Fosix said...

when the going gets tough... fosix gives up... retreats... and lives to fight another day :)

@anu russell
as a matter of fact i did find about $400 in checks... forget fitty-fitty, i'll give you the whole thing... coz all the checks have expired !!! :P
nope, am not too much into South Park... i more of a Family Guy & Futurama person... Stewie & Bender (respectively) are da bomb !!
btw, GO MAVS !!!

11:06 PM  
Blogger Trevor Penn said...

Could i borrow some money ? I'll write you a post dated check in return.

1:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

2:31 PM  
Blogger Fosix said...

sure thing... and you dont even need to post-date the check... coz its just gonna become the foundation for the next hill :)

ummm.... errr... thanks...

6:22 PM  
Blogger Crouching Tigress said...

Let's let's!


8:40 PM  
Blogger Anu Russell said...

Fosix...Great to know you are supporting MAVS! I am so excited for them and TWO DOWN...TWO MORE TO GO! I just hope that it is uphill from now on and no messing!

4:03 PM  
Blogger second_wind said...

looks like this job is takin a reallly long time..

10:37 PM  
Blogger M (tread softly upon) said...

boy are you lazy or what!!! will you be done with spring cleaning yet? you need to start preparing for fall now.

11:40 AM  
Blogger Swathi Sambhani aka Chimera said...

awaiting the results of spring cleaning!! (yeah with nail-biting eagerness :))

3:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't disappeared, nor kidnapped, nor what ever all you imagined. Was just playing you...a couch potato extra ordinaire...Will be back soon as this blogger guy emails me my password..

And as I see, you dont have many posts either! Hope you are not too occupied with worthless things like cleaning up snail mail!

10:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!

10:26 PM  

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